Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results?

So understanding how the algorithm works is the first step in learning how search engines rank websites. (Note: if you need to know how Google ranks local businesses please see this article ) Anyone that owns a website wants to rank well in search engines, especially Google. In simpler terms, Search Engine Optimization is a way to improve your website so that it will appear closer to the top positions in the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines. When you perform a search on Google the order by which the returning results are displayed, is based on complex algorithms. While search engine representatives and light hatters (the whitest of the white hatters) say that having great, link-worthy content and links is enough to get high rankings, there are many sites with these traits that do not get listed for the words that matter (the ones that send serious traffic). Osx xbox 360 controller. If it were so easy and every page that deserved a high ranking had it, there would be n. But the last few years, the quality of the search results has gotten extremely poor because Google favors large publishing sites with crappy listicles and other low quality content. Because the sites have “authority”. They have simply become too big for their own good and its starting to show cracks in the armor.

Being in the first five listings on page one of search engines is very important. Most people will click the first few listings, considering being the most relevant and trusted of all results. This article will teach you how to improve Google search ranking and search results. You will discover how to rank higher on Google and other search engines.

Users typically only view the first page of returned results. If the first page doesn’t deliver what the searchers were looking for, chances are consumers will never dig through to find your product.

The principal of any successful marketing strategy apply to both online and offline efforts.

The first key to success is to have a plan. The basic planning starts researching your target market and existing competitors, identifying your strength and weaknesses, and developing a plan to reach your target market.

There are various search engines on the web. Some of the top search engines include Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask.com, and the list goes on. You may want to search Amazon.com for its list of comprehensive items for sale. For a comprehensive list, log on www.thesearchenginelist.com.

The best time to start your search engine optimization is before your website is ready to be launched. Your goal for optimization is to have the spiders also known as crawlers to not only find your site but rank it so it appears at the top of the search engine results.

The main reason for search engine optimization is to drive traffic to your website. Your first steps should be examination of keywords related to your target market and analysis of both visible text and invisible/meta keywords. Determine how many websites are competing for search engine. Organize keywords into groups for each keyword. Organize keywords into groups for search engine optimization content for your advertising campaigns.

Create powerful page titles and Meta tags. Meta tags are invisible keywords and phrases on your web page. Include a few keywords or phrases per content page. Next, submit your URL to search engines and directories such as Yahoo.

After your submission, you should analyze search engine rankings to find out the effectiveness of your keywords. Continue to improve website content to improve search engine rankings.

Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results 2020

Creating Content for Your Visitors and Search Engines

The cheapest way to create content is to write it yourself. Writing the content is not much different than writing advertising copy for offline advertising. The only difference is that you have to write with keyword optimization in mind. Make sure the content contains enough keywords or phrases commonly used in search engines to find what you offer. For example, if you’re selling hot sauce in California, your keywords may be “California hot sauce,” “hot sauce,” etc.

Keep in mind that general keywords are more competitive than specific keywords. So before writing content, type your keywords on major search engines to see how many sites show up and read the content of the top 10 websites.

When you have selected your keywords, you should be ready to write your content. Repeat your keyword several times throughout your content. You want your keyword to appear 2-5 percent of the time. For example if your advertising copy or content include 1000 words, you want your keyword to appear at least 20 times and no more than 50 times.

If you fail to optimize your keywords enough, search engine won’t be able to pick up your web page. On the other hand, repeating your keyword too many times is seen as a spamming technique and penalizes you. If you have a long keyword list and use many keywords in your text, most search engines will rank the web page low. To be safe, keep an average of 4 percent for your keyword density. However, as you write your content it should sound natural, effective and convincing.

Your main goal is to write for your potential customers, but using adequate keywords for the search engines.

The most important part in selling successfully is to be able to write powerful advertising copy. Your copy should capture the attention of your audience, make them interested in reading your copy, and make your offer irresistible so they take action to order what you’re offering.

After writing your content, for your web page figure out your keyword density. Use a word processor, such as Microsoft Word to see the total number of your words and then the total number of your keywords to see if your keyword density is within the 2-5 percent limit. If not, try to revise your copy. Another option is to use Meta tags to add keywords. Meta tags are not visible to your audience, but search engines are able to pick up the Meta tags within the content of your web page.

Your website will need some graphics or photos. You can create graphics yourself using Adobe Photoshop, or buy the graphics or photos. You can just type photo images for sale if that’s what you are offering.

You have to make sure your website is easy to navigate by having a navigational bar at the top of each page. Keep the look of navigational bar consistent on each page. Put text in a fixed-width table in the center of the page. Make sure the text is large enough and easy to read. Do not place text over images. Visit websites and note those you find appealing.

Do not underline text, except for links. Make points in bold, italic, or color to emphasize. Use short bulleted lists to outline the benefits of your offer.

Place your links in appropriate locations. If your links are not clear to your visitor, include a brief description. Use descriptive keywords rather than “Click Here”. Make sure to have a link to your homepage from every page on your site to make your site easy to navigate. You can also encrypt your email address to stay hidden from the spam bots.

Be sure to often go back and visit your site and check for any broken links and also test every image.

Web Hosting

Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results 2019

Web host companies provide you with server space for your website. Be very careful and do some research when you’re ready to choose a web host company. Avoid having subdomain name. Make sure it’s a reliable company. Do they offer fast connection? How much daily transfer is allowed? How much will you be charged for exceeding their transfer limit? Does the company require advance payment or charge setup fees? Do they offer secure shopping cart software for your customers?

Be sure the web host company you choose will provide you with unlimited access to your server through FTP/Telnet to access log files and statistics on all visits to your site. You should be able to manage your email addresses, adding or deleting addresses through an easy to use control panel. You should also want the ability to modify passwords associated with your account without having to rely and to go through their technical support. You will probably want to have MySQL database. MySQL is one of the most popular databases.

You also want the ability to update your site with new information and new products. You might have to rearrange files, adding new or deleting information.

Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results Explained

Your Website Structure

Try the most basic website structure known as flat or linear structure. Complicated websites won’t index well with search engines. For a basic website structure, you have a home page that introduces your web site, and then links to various subtopics, which should be listed on the left side of the screen. All subtopics should always be visible. The only thing that may need to be updated is the right side of the screen.

Your subtopics should take a maximum of two clicks to get from your subtopic page to your home page.

The titles you create should let your visitors know what your site is about. The titles are also used by search engines to determine what search terms to place your site under.

Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results?

Your titles should be brief, no more than 65 characters, since most search engine bots read only the first 65 characters. Spend time to come up with appropriate titles because it would make a big difference when it’s time for your site to get indexed.

Web site marketing is no different than marketing for other media, such as radio, television, magazine or newspaper. The most important part is to write powerful headline with a believable and convincing copy.

If you plan to get involved in affiliate program, a broker house, such as Clickbank.com is a good place to start; they take care of transactions for both parties. For pricing, check out your competitors pricing before you determine the prices for your products.

As your business grows, you may decide to use an affiliate marketing program.

When you’re starting out, make sure to set up an autoresponder to acknowledge the orders immediately and thank your customers for choosing your product.

Do not limit your advertising to search engines. Your best customers could come from print advertising, radio, television, etc. The best marketing strategy employs more than one medium.

You should often perform a detailed analysis of your site to see if it’s still optimized for search engines. To do it accurately, you need a software program. Do your search for a good site analysis program.

A good site analysis program should check for domain popularity, IP domains, link popularity, search engine optimization against other sites, keyword density, your site speed, and how your site is being spidered by search engine bots.

Link exchange to established high-traffic site can improve search engine ranking. In addition, purchasing advertising space from other websites can help. A good resource for finding link space for sale is through adbrite.com. If you are using a site analysis program, enter the URL of the web site you want to advertise along with the currency you expect to pay. If the resulting link value is high and the price advertised is low, it may be safe to purchase advertising space from the website in question.

A good place to start to learn about keywords is: https://adwords.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner/. You can also search by typing on the google search engine: google SEO keyword tool. Google leads all others in search engine traffic, so you want to optimize for google search engine.

Whatever software you choose, the main key to come up with good keywords is to think like your customer. Enter words and phrases that your potential customers may use. That’s why knowing your target market plays a big role to determine what keywords to use.

Be sure to spend time and choose good keywords for your home page because search engines are more likely to give your home page a higher ranking than other pages of your website. Think about the words users type to find your web pages and make sure your site includes those words. Use text instead of images to display content and links. Some search engines may not recognize text contained in images.

The advertising copy you use for web pages are much more important than ranking high on search engines. If your copy is poor, you cannot sell disregard of your website traffic.

Why Does Your Site Rank So Poorly In Search Engine Results Today

Search engines also rank sites according to the quality and quantity of sites that link to your website. Generally more links indicate a higher level of popularity among internet users.

Be sure to read guidelines carefully for each search engine and follow the rule.

The main elements in search engine optimization are content optimization and the number of quality links pointing to your website. Creating high-quality content is an important part of search engine optimization, and good content encourage other quality websites to provide a link to your site because it works as a recommendation from another site to check your site.

After creating useful and quality content, make sure to list your web site to top directories such as yahoo.com, business.com, and so on. For the complete list, simply enter directories in search engines and follow their rules and policies. Directory links can be very helpful for your site ranking.

Listing in directories is not without cost and it takes time to appear in some directories. For reciprocal linking always choose quality over quantity for your long-term success. Reciprocal linking is simply exchanging links with other sites.

Reciprocal linking is not as valuable as one-way links for search engines, because one-way link is a vote or recommendation from another for their visitors. Your site ranking should be at least 3 before most webmaster consider linking with you.

In order to prepare your site for reciprocal linking, you need to have a page on your site indicating “Resources” or “Related Links”. Avoid mentioning “Affiliates” or “Sponsors”. Most visitors have no reason visiting an Affiliate or Sponsor page. However, they may want to check out “Resources” or “Related Links” to get more information.

Why does your site rank so poorly in search engine results 2020

Be sure not to use automatic submission software because it is banned by many search engines and directories. Submitting the same site to the major search engines repeatedly is regarded as spamming and gets your website banned.

Try to submit your site manually. This approach is safe and gives you control where you want to be listed and avoiding association with objectionable sites. When you submit your site manually, you decide what category to list in rather than being listed in miscellaneous or general directory. By submitting manually, you choose the descriptions and keywords that you think will be most effective in promoting your site.

Almost all search engines and directories have links labeled “Submit URL” or “Add a site.” All you have to do is follow their rules and enter information correctly. Most search engines eventually find your site on their own. Spend your time wisely and try to submit to major search engines and directories such as Google, MSN, Excite, AOL, Yahoo, etc. Beware it may take at least one week and up to eight weeks to appear on popular search engines and directories.

Most search engines read your web pages from the topmost left corner of your site to the bottom right. If your site is designed with all the links on the left side, search engines see the links first. If you want the content on the right side to be read first, add at least three panes on the top left of the layout blank without any keyword. The blank area on the top left forces the search engine to read the content on the right side first which is more optimized than the links.

If you plan to develop PPC (pay-per-click) campaign, you need to have a landing page for visitors to see after clicking the ad. You can create multiple landing pages with multiple PPC to test the effectiveness of your advertising. Your landing page should motivate the visitor to take an action, such as purchase a product, or sign up for a newsletter.

Your landing page or lead capture page should contain the format as a direct mail or multiple page ads with a powerful headline, great copy, PS at the end of your letter, money-back guarantee, available testimonials from satisfied customers, and call for action. This is the area that your experience in print advertising can help capturing the attention of your audience and motivating them to take action.

You should be aware that as much as 25 percent or more pf pay-per-click traffic originates from competitors rather than potential customers. Competitors may be checking out your ad or try to drain your advertising budget by producing false click that will cost you in your campaign.

You have to stay on top of your daily campaign and monitor the entrance and exit pages for traffic. You will find out which pages bring in the most traffic and which page could be causing them to leave. Pay attention on how long visitors spend on each page to determine which pages hold their interest and which pages need to be modified or deleted. Also monitor your page Rank and keywords. Enter your keywords into search engines to check your position.

Make it top priority to assume nothing and test everything for successful advertising campaign. An effective A/B split test of content and layout can help you improve your advertising and overall campaign.

By John Stanford – 2019 – Update 2020
Copyright © 2019-2020 Allied Publishing
Provided by
Allied Publishing

For additional articles written by John Stanford, see alliedpublishing.com/seo. John Stanford is the author of Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimization.